October saw the next phase of the Masterplan Antwep Zoo. “ Make use of every square metre and use it more than once”. A policy much loved by the Zoo management.. Skywalk is an architectural jewel of a hiking trail up to six metres high with a length of 225 meters and at different levels. The trail starts behind the Grand Café Flamingo and runs through the brand new panda home. The red pandas invite you with the slogan: “Look at us, and to the surrounding buildings.” The winding walk gives you an ideal view of the eastern part of the Central Station, Jubilee Flamingo Square, the new event center and the garden with its plants and animals. On the roof are two large ponds with native and exotic plants . In future you will be able to see lotus flowers and ornamental fish. The whole has made full use of light and shadow, making that the four seasons will each give a different picture while strolling 360 °. The slope is only 4% with optimum accessibility. Explore at your own pace the wonders of the landscape and a typical French garden with its beautiful old buildings. And still mouthwatering in the Savanne Restaurant , the famous meatballs with tomato sauce and mash.

All information about Antwerp Zoo : www.zooantwerpen.be  
